Ark PvP Rules

Last Updated: Jan 12th, 2025

Vanquished Ark Survival PVP Rules


  • Tribes who are actively participating in special non clustered events should not be attacked. This is to encourage event attendance from all tribes. This does not apply to on cluster raid bases / pop up events.
  • You can only raid with your tribe. Teaming is not allowed in any way. Allies are disabled.
  • No Turrets on City Terminals or Mission Terminals (Unless placed while running a mission).
  • No builds that block major resource spawns.
  • 2x Cave/OP Base Location Per Map – 1x Ob Build Per Cluster – Unlimited Land Bases. (Definition of a land base; full land structure with no cave walls, the base must be completely accessible on foot by a walking player. (Ledges with no walkway up are not considered a land base)
  • Spamming or blocking off a base location that you are not building in is not allowed.
  • GREEN obelisks can be built on each map. This is non-negotiable, no other obs can be built.
  • If you build multiple bases – this is your way of stating you can manage multiple attacks, 1 tribe can attack one base which means all of your locations can be attacked at once.
  • No structures, wild aggressive dinos or turrets on spawns.
  • Tribe name and members must match on all maps.
  • You can not build in any tame only entrance spot, such as a Pelagornis hole. You also cannot build in any knockout, zipline, or grapple spots. This will be treated as a meshed base.
  • No TOS Builds, which means builds that aren’t allowed on official.
  • No Dino Builds covering the entire body. Dinos must be able to be shot/killed.
  • Insiding a tribe with solid proof will result in player bans.
  • Spam can only be placed up to 40 foundations distance away from your last defendable tower, any spam further than this will be destroyed without notification. Excessive spamming causes server performance issues, through this rule we aim to minimize that.
  • During PvP, take as many clips as possible, this will help admins speed up investigations & solve tribe disputes. This rule applies to all kinds of PvP; open world, event, raid bases & full scale raids of bases – If you are raiding a main base, please record the entry to the base if this is done offline.
  • Being a No Wipe server we recognize that newer tribes will come as the wipe progresses, it is expected that our largest tribes will not raid their bases unless antagonized (Such as; attacks on your base, verbalizing they would like you to attack, if you’re not sure if their actions constitute an attack, ask an admin) – This is being put into place to protect the longevity of the wipe. – Punishments are down to admin discretion, however you could expect to pay reparations or lose structures of your own.


  • Popcorning loot when being raided is prohibited and destroys the nature of the game. Again, be a decent human.
  • Transmitter or Structure ‘Dropping’ on players or tames at any point is prohibited, proof of this being done will be met with punishment for the offending player.
  • Vault spamming to excess is now considered against our rules, using vaults in a defensive manner is okay, however given that we allow structure clipping, this can be abused by excessive spam which not only causes unnecessary stress on our servers, but also delays the fun of the fight. Defend better. (Admin discretion determines ‘To excess’, respect their decision)
  • Fully snapped bases are now also no longer allowed. Please break snaps after every turret limit distance, admins can assist you if you’re not sure, however if you’re being attacked and still have your base fully snapped, please don’t be surprised if you see an admin removing some of your snap points. Again, stop using this as a delay tactic, enjoy the PvP!
  • Pulsing gens are restricted to 5 per base, should you wish to activate them for a base tour, please let us know and if we see it we can let it slide until the video is complete. Please respect server performance.
  • If you get raided and lose, no worries, just build again. If you get hard raided/full wiped, you can open a ticket to get 48-hour admin protection and a small kit to rebuild.
  • A tribe may not transfer ownership to another tribe during an active raid.
  • Whip speed glitching or the use of any other exploits can subject you to an instant ban. (Excluding grapple glitching)
  • No tunneling into bases. You can build UP TO a base but not INTO a base / past their defenses.
  • No meshing.
  • All exploits of any kind will not be tolerated. (Excluding grapple glitching)
  • No Harpoon, Cannon, Ballista or Magmasaur raiding. Magmasaurs are for farming only. They can not be used in pvp in any way, not against players or their structures.
  • You are allowed to third party a raid only if attacking both parties or take over the raid once you push off the attackers.
  • You can only cage someone for 4 hours, proof the of time they were caged must be submitted by the victim if you expect us to free you/the cager to be punished. (If caged for a bounty, once the contract is completed you will be released. 4 hours is still the maximum time you can be caged.)
  • A fob must remain active during PVP, if a fob is left unattended for 12 hours or more after the first 24 hrs the fob has been standing a ticket can be opened to admin demo.
  • Streaming in our discord will now be separated into 2 channels, attackers, defenders. Streaming provides some great content for our community, and we want to promote that.
  • To do so, it will now be a punishable offense to be sat in your opponent’s streams. If any one player is also caught sharing information (even if not in either tribe) they would be punished to the same effect. Of course, any other general PVP or events happening can be streamed in either one of those, event PVP will not be considered attacking or defending so stream with caution.


  • All tickets must be filled out completely or they will be deleted.
  • All tickets about tribe politics will be instantly deleted.
  • Tickets not responded to within 24 hours will also be deleted.
  • Tickets can be opened in the ticket channel in Discord.
  • Non-Severe or game destroying rule breaking can now be handled using ‘Temporary bans’ – this may put an offending player on an ingame temporary ban. The length of this ban is down to admin discretion.

Long story short, we’re human. Please treat us as such and we will do the same for you.


  • Trade scamming will not be tolerated and will result in an instant ban.
  • Please record all trades and communication of trades so you have the proof we need to ban a scammed.
  • Trades for IRL money between Vanquished players will not be tolerated in any way. The seller, and possibly their entire tribe (up to our discretion) will be banned. If someone actually buys from a player they will also be banned.


  • Threatening to or pulling someone’s IP or location will result in an instant ban.
  • Threatening to DDOS/Stress the servers will also result in a player wipe and ban.

Disclaimer: Rules are subject to change at any time and it is your responsible to ensure you stay up to date on our rules.


We can not help you when getting Arked.

  • Ark glitches are (but aren’t limited to):
  • logging in and discovering that your body is under the mesh and you can’t reach your bag.
  • stuff disappearing out of upload
  • losing stuff during map-to map transfer
  • losing stuff when a map crashes or goes down for any reason.

Lost Character
We CAN assist you in replacing your lost character.


You need to:

  • Keep a copy of your implant at all times, in base.
  • Open a ticket and contact us with proof of what tribe your lost character is in.
  • We will force you into that tribe and have you supply proof of your past levels/ascensions/bossfights. Without that proof, we will not give any XP, Asc, Bosses, Engrams, Etc.


  • All rules are subject to admin discretion – Please respect our team and their decisions, these are final and can be used to allow for variance in player context and game changes.