
DayZ Rules

Last Updated: 04/29/2023

Server rules for Vanquished DayZ


1.0 No hate speech on server. This includes public staff abuse claims. Report them in a ticket.
1.1 No cheating or associating yourself with cheats.
1.1b NVIDIA Inspector Usage is strictly forbidden.
1.2 No intentional duping.
1.3 No stream sniping.
1.4 No loot cycling.
1.5 No vortexing (intentionally glitching your head to see through something).
1.6 No alternate accounts (storing loot on another account)
1.7 No logging out in enemy bases.
1.8 No locking other players bases.
1.9 If at any moment you bypass the combat/raid log timer due to a crash or server restart, you must log back in within a reasonable amount of time or it will be considered combat logging.
1.10 A clip MUST be provided in tickets in order for compensation to be considered.
1.11 Render glitching is considered bug abuse and will result in a ban.
1.12 No movement exploits. Abusing movement exploits will consult in a ban.
1.13 No excessive team swapping players. Excessive is decided by our admin team.


2.0 You are not allowed to use a ladder (within a base), as a choke point.
2.1 No sky or floating bases.
2.2 No use of any animations to phase through Bases or vanilla structures at anytime. Vanilla ladders and windows are the exception. Base owners are responsible of properly securing any vanilla ladders and windows to not allow base access.
2.3 Raids are considered active for 15 mins after a c4 is placed, after a base being dismantled. You may not log out in that 15 min window, if you are kicked or server resets you are required to log back in.
2.4 Bases should have 1 valid access point and should be raidable, failure to do this the item blocking access WILL be deleted without hesitation.
2.5 Log walls are not allowed.
2.6 Building around spawn points is not allowed.
2.7 Building on roads is not allowed. Dead-end roads are an exception, buidling over roads is an exception.
2.8 All bases need a raidable pathway. You are NOT allowed to block all entrances or rooms to a base using tents or other obstacles. You can not block vehicles from being taken. Restricting players from being able to place C4 or forcing them to stand in barbed wire while planting is prohibited.
2.9 You can’t forcepeople to crawl in order to enter your base.
2.10 When building gates or walls there has to be at least a 2 player width between them. You must be able to freely move between the two gates or walls.
2.11 No tent stacking, 1 small tend inside 1 big tent is acceptable, nothing more.
2.12 Maximum 2 watchtowers stacked on top of each other. Maximum one 20 door base with one flagpole.
2.13 Using gardenplots, car parts or fireplaces as a staircase, bridge or building structure is strictly not allowed.
2.14 A flagpole is necessary to claim a base location. Anything without a flagpole is not considered a base.
2.15 Vanquished has a door limit of 20, this is between the entry point of the base to the flagpole.
2.16 Vehicles cause extreme frame drop, groups / solos can keep 2 cars & 1 truck maximum.
2.17 Max 6 sleeping bags per base, and only ONE per player.


3.0 Exploiting any loopholes is punishable.
3.1 Vehicles are extremely temperamental using them is at your own risk, admins will not be compensating if you a lose a vehicle.
3.2 Do not park vehicles too close to walls or structures, especially inside buildings or garages.
3.3 Using a small wrench will allow you to flip a turned over vehicle.
3.4 Cheating tickets opened without video proof will be closed without notice.